Internationalize Redash

Hi I want to translate reDash to other language so it could support multi-language.

How to do that?

Is there any guide to code for reference?



It sounds nice! In my company, not only Engineer, but also Sales Staff and Customer Support Staff who don’t speak English use Redash.

I would really love to see Redash translated into more languages. Currently there is no support in the code for translations, but supporting this is on our radar.

If any of you want to get involved in making this a reality, will be happy to discuss.

Hi guys, any update?

I can help to translate it to Brazilian Portuguese.

How can we start implementing the internationalization?

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It sounds great!

I will be able to translate it to Japanese.


I’ll be happy to start a discussion on how we can introduce translations support into the codebase to facilitate this. Ideally it should be done in a way that the translations files are portable in case we switch from Angular.js at some point.

Quick googling brought up angular-translate, but if some who has prior experience can share more details it will be great.

cc: @levko

I don’t have enough experience with Angular, but I believe that angular-translate could be a good way.

On the server side, we can just use the Django i18n feature.

Someone from the Core Team could say to us if this is the correct approach?

Hi all

First of all, thanks, Redash is great.

Secondly, is there any news on that? I can help translating it to Spanish.

I could give a hand for a french translation if I’m given an xls, xml file with the lines to translate.

I will contribute in Pashto translation but please consider the RTL too.
Every language with its direction have to defined.

I can help translating it to Italian!

It is great! I can help translating it to Russian.

I can translate it to Chinese.

Thanks, everyone!

We’re currrently working on a React migration (#3071). Once that’s over, we will start looking into I18n again (#933).

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I’m able to help in Portuguese from Portugal translation.
Keep the good work.


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I had finished multi language feature!

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In beta v9.0.0, i pushed multi language function to github.



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