Alert message when alert is triggered

Is there a way to personalize the message sent via email when an alert is triggered?

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At the moment not, although this is something we would love to add in the future.

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Discussed in Alert Notifications and eventually landed with Planned for release in Redash v9.

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Hi @ranbena, great job, thanks! I’ve noticed that many people need this rebuild on Alert Notifications (there are lots of feature requests related to this here on Discuss). Is there any particular technical reason for this feature not be included in Redash v8?

The reason is it’s not ready yet. @ranbena’s awesome alert overhaul opened eleven days ago. We alpha testers just got our hands on it and the V8 release is imminent.

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Ok, @jesse, thanks for your fast response!

We can send personalised emails or even whatsapp messages through other tools like . Can we see integrations like whatsapp or Zendesk in future ?