Allow Linking to Data Catalog Tools


we are using dbt for our DWH transformations and adding additional documentation for columns, tables etc. At some point we want to load that into a Data Catalog like DataHub.

Currently our redash users have to handle to platforms that are not linked. e.g. they have to look up the schema and table in redash, navigate to the dbt documentation and search there again. It would be great to allow some kind of linking from redash to the dbt model documentation.

There are different ways to implement this:

  1. Add placeholder above the redash schema explorer and allow adding a link to documentation per configured data source there.
  2. Add generic link to every table that will directly land on the dedicated documentation page.

Not an expert on the redash code but implementation should be rather simple.

Happy to hear your thoughts, thank you!


We have already implemented this feature in our organization for Datahub. Will be happy to contribute it to the community if everyone agrees to it.

Personally find it very useful :slight_smile:

cc: @arikfr

I think the solution depends on the user journey people take: do they usually start from the query editor or the catalog?

Would love to hear more and see what it will take to support in Redash. I sent you an email (to the address you used to sign up here) to follow up.


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Hey Arik

I had replied to your mail, but it seems you might have missed it.

Just to clarify here as well, the user journey starts from the query editor, they see a catalog link corresponding to the table name that leads to their respective datahub catalog page.
I have also attached a screenshot in the mail for your reference.

Looking forward to your reply.

Hey @arikfr

Any update on this?

Hi @shubhamg931, I would love to know how this has been implemented in your organisation.