Can't get data from other table, which generated by own query

Hello, I’m new user in redash. Anybody nows how to get data from the table, which was generated from my query.
I try this tutorial
So I need like this:

Select q.item
from query_1 as q,
And I got error :
Error running query: Code: 60. DB::Exception: Table market_data.query_1 doesn’t exist. (UNKNOWN_TABLE) (version (official build))

It looks like you’re not using the Query Results data source. You aimed your query at your actual database instead. Make sure that the data source picker on the left of your screen reflects the QRDS instead.

Thanks for reply. You’re right. I haven’r seen generated query in the list on the left of my screen. Do you know how to add it?

You just need to add a new Data Source from the Data Sources tab in settings. This one will be of type “query Results” :slight_smile:

Thanks!, i just updated version to v.10 and it appeared.