Customized CSS / Changes

My company uses redash for generating reports. I have been tasked with customizing the CSS to better match our company look & feel. I’ve seen the CSS on GitHub, but I have not yet installed Redash locally on my machine.

What steps or what do I need to do to view Redash on my machine, change some CSS attributes and refresh the browser to see the CSS changes? Is this doable? Is this allowed?

Thank you,
John Gnotek


Hey John,

Yes, that’s totally doable on your self-hosted instance.

I’d recommend starting from v4.0 (your company might be running on previous versions) as the design has been massively improved on the recent version:

Please check out for further instructions to set up your dev env locally.

I am in a similar situation where my company would like to theme our instance of Redash to better align with our other products and brand image. Is it possible to make changes that would not be affected by a future update? I don’t want to edit the CSS, title text and images only to have to do it again once a new version comes out.

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@chuman were you able to do this? I am in a similar situation and would to know your thoughts how you did this?

This isn’t officially supported but is on our radar. For now, edit the CSS at your own risk.

Any update on this? Curious of CSS changes will be overwitten when updates to redash happen?