Dashboard showing up for user who don't have access to data source

Issue Summary

Dashboard showing up for user who don’t have access to data source

Technical details:

  • Redash Version: Dashboard showing up for user who don’t have access to data source
  • Browser/OS: Chrome / windows 10
  • How did you install Redash:Docker

We have dashboards showing up for users who don’t have access to the data source. Is there a way to correct this via the access permission table?

Can you provide steps to reproduce this? Also, what version of Redash are you using (you didn’t specify in your question).

Dashboards aren’t tied to the data sources, but queries are. If a dashboard contains at least one widget from a query to which a user has access, the dashboard will appear on their list.


  • Version: 8.0.0+b32245 (a16f551e)

I have a group that has no data sources associated with it. So it should not show anything.

yet it does. Do note that one user that may have created the queries has been disabled.

There’s not enough information here to identify a problem, yet. Because what a user can see is the sum of all their group memberships. To properly test this, you need to have a data source that is explicitly excluded from all groups except one. Then test with a user who is not a member of that group to see if the dashboard appears.