Error running query: canceling statement due to conflict with recovery

Hi all!

I am attempting to run a SQL query on Redash (Version: 7.0.0+b18042 (4a978bad)) but I get the following error warning:

“Error running query: canceling statement due to conflict with recovery
DETAIL: User query might have needed to see row versions that must be removed.”

I looked this up online and in PostgreSQL this seems to be due to a replication conflict, which can be solved by setting the ‘max_standby_streaming_delay’ parameter in server configuration to -1 (default is 30000 milliseconds), but I am not sure if this is the same cause for the issue in Redash and how I would go about fixing it here.

Really appreciate any help : )


Hi there and welcome to the community! It sounds like this is a problem with your target database, not with Redash (our internal metadata db doesn’t do any replication by default). So you should be able to simply modify the settings on your database.

Thanks! I reached out internally in my org and was able to solve this issue

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