My laptop is a new Apple Silicon M1 so I installed the preview version of Docker for Apple Silicon. When I git clone the Redash repo and then try to set it up using Docker via docker-compose up -d it runs into this error:
Are you using the M1 compatible docker installation? Or are you running the x86 version via translation? I also use an M1 laptop and have done both but it works better with Rosetta2 (translation) because the Apple Silicone compiled version is just unstable.
I am using the M1 Docker Preview. Do you have instructions on how I can run the x86 version via translation? When I try to download the non-M1 version it say there’s an incompatibility problem. Not sure what the next steps are exactly to set it up like you have. Thank you!!
I finally got this working on my M1 Macbook Air. I’m using the Docker RC1 that was released on 18 Mar 2021. Version 3.3.0 (62029). And the latest tip of Redash master.
At first I couldn’t start Docker at all. The application launched and then crashed my entire system. I followed these instructions to fix my bad installation. After a complete wipe of Docker, installing Big Sur updates, updating my xcode tools, and reinstalling the latest RC candidate my Docker opened normally
When I first ran docker-compose up -d I had the same error as OP:
Performance is much slower than on my Intel Mac. But it’s suitable for basic development (especially front-end). The npm run build command is noticeably faster.
What are the consequences of removing Microsoft SQL Server and skip_ds_deps=1? Would this be safe to deploy to production? I assume it would cause issues if you’re using Microsoft SQL Server also all the database connectors for the items skipped in requirements_all_ds.txt?
after doing → npm run build (I am getting the following error). its complaining about node engine. Any advise. Thanks!!
redash-client@9.0.0-beta build
yarn clean && yarn build:viz && NODE_ENV=production webpack yarn run v1.22.10
error redash-client@9.0.0-beta: The engine “node” is incompatible with this module. Expected version “^14.16.1”. Got “16.6.1”
error Commands cannot run with an incompatible environment.
info Visit yarn run | Yarn for documentation about this command.
Are you in the right thread? It looks like you’re using redash-client which is an NPM module. This thread is about running the Redash application itself.