For ECS deployment for Redash 10 do we need Scheduler?

For ECS deployment for Redash 10 do we need Scheduler task ?

Also if celery is removed where should there be entry for RQ jobs be in which task?

I have a question what is difference between Scheduler and worker container ?

I am referring Releases · getredash/redash · GitHub
refer section How to Upgrade from redash 8 to 10

Also can you help me provide any documentation link for ecs deployment for redash 10?

We don’t have any ECS documentation. But would certainly welcome this addition to the project. These types of deployments are more and more common, and our docs are lacking.

Yes you will need a scheduler. Otherwise scheduled queries and periodic tasks like cleaning up stale query results will never run.

So what is the function of “periodic, emails, default tasks” introduced in Redash 10 Isn’t it the same as “scheduled_queries, schemas” tasks ?

You should consider all the queues essential. None of them are optional.