High Disk Size issue with Redash Postgres

Issue Summary

Query Results table is not getting flushed in the given REDASH_QUERY_RESULTS_CLEANUP_MAX_AGE
Currently our query_results table itself is storing around 157GB of data and doesn’t get purged in the given time interval of 7 days. Wanted to understand if anything has been changed with the max_age variable for redash version 9 and above. We have recently moved from redash version 8 to 9.

A summary of the issue and the browser/OS environment in which it occurs.

Technical details:

  • Redash Version: 9
  • Browser/OS: Postgres
  • How did you install Redash: Open Sourced git repository

Is the query results cleanup job running regularly? Do you have any workers monitoring the periodic queue? Are you certain the REDASH_QUERY_RESULTS_CLEANUP_ENABLED environment variable has not been set to false?

I have the same issue with V10 running on docker.
How do I check the items you asked for?