How can i create a new welcome page in react which doesnt require login

How can i create a new welcome page in react which doesnt require login.
I am able to create a template which doesn’t require login, but what im looking for is to create a react component that doesnt require login.
Any help please how do i configure the routing etc.

Why do you need React for the welcome page? Why not just use html and css like the rest of Redash’s no-authentication-required pages (like setup.html and login.html)?

Since the React portion of Redash is gated behind log-in you’d need to have a completely separate React app just for the welcome page, which doesn’t seem necessary.

Redash technically has two sets of routing logic: Flask and React. Flask is what controls whether a user needs to log-in. If you want to add a new react page you can examine this file for an example of the routing. If you want to add a new page that does not require log-in, you can see examples of that here.