Login error Redash

When some users try to login to Redash, this error appears on the screen:
# Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.

Can you help us?

You haven’t provided enough information to debug this issue. You should check your application logs to see what caused this exception.

Please check the problem user having google profile image with large in size(if you use SSO login).
If the image is large, redash does not allow user to login. Ask user to try to login after removing the SSO profile image.

Thanks @dhivya. We also have this PR open which fixes the issue with profile image URL’s being too long:

Once it’s reviewed we’ll merge to master and it will be incorporated into V11.

Great!!! Appreciate your help

It has now merged :slight_smile: