Looking for a hosted Redash expert

Issue Summary

A summary of the issue and the browser/OS environment in which it occurs.

Technical details: I’m trying to find someone who is knowledgeable of Redash that can assist troubleshooting some some performance issues we’ve been having. Looking to get a contractor for a few weeks to review and provide recommendations.

  • Redash Version:8
  • Browser/OS:Chrome
  • How did you install Redash:Self hosted

What kind of issues are you experiencing? Feel free to DM me.

Was using all available memory but we increased it but that didnt seem to solve the issue. Our Redash instance will go unavailable for small periods at times and queries would take 30+ minutes to run

The answer is always to check the logs first to see what’s happening. Did you install with Docker?

Yes installed with Docker

Great! You can check the logs with docker-compose logs -f --tail 100. Then try executing a few queries and see if any exceptions become apparent.

Also, how many users do you have at once? Does your organisation use many scheduled queries? Which services are defined in your docker-compose.yml file?