Mapping Redash groups with Azure AD groups

Is it possible to Map AZ AD DL’s to Redash Groups? . I am able to configure SAML + Azure AD and created a group in Azure AD all the users that are part of that group can login to Redash and they all become part of default group in Redash.
What I am looking for is something like, say I create two azure groups
all the users that are part of admin --> gets mapped to a admin group in Redash
all the users that are part of general --> gets mapped to default group in Redash


Hi, were you able to find a solution for this request. I am looking for something similar and would appreciate any pointers.

any updates on this? i was able to get ldaps working successfully in with redash but I still am unable to map any existing ldap user groups to redash groups.

So @rjn0910 how are the users who are logging in Azure AD being mapped in the redash side? Is it being logged with default groups in redash?

You can check here to see if logged in users are part of which group

I was able to achieve this via hack. I wrote a script that will take the group mapping from LDAP and make entries I redash DB

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So in redash DB with your script were exactly did you add the group mappings? Was it in user table?

I too would love to hear more about that script @Amit-Hora.

for my setup, i have an on-prem AD server and i can use either ldaps or ADFS to authenticate users with redash. what I need to do is get a group membership of the user and assign them to the corresponding group in redash if it exists.

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Can someone please answer this question ?