Problems with starting redash instance via google cloud console

Hello everyone, sorry for basic question but i have problems with understanding setup instructions for google cloud. I’m reading /help/open-source/setup and

> Setup.
> Once you created the instance with either the image or the script,
 you should have a running Redash instance with everything you need to get started. 
Redash should be available using the server IP or DNS name you assigned to it.
 You can point your browser to this address.

And I cant understand what to do next. I have a link in console like “

And there it sais Error 401 Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See Integracja logowania Google z Twoją aplikacją internetową  |  Google Sign-In for Websites  |  Google Developers.

I’m trying to follow what instruction, i’ve created OAuth2 access token but i can’t figure out where to put it :sweat_smile:

Sorry again for probably dumb questions but I guess instructions are not for newbies at all :smiley: And thanx! Using redash in company and it’s awesome but i’m trying to do personal things

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