My first Query return values in two fields, one is tag (a single text), the other is contracts (a texts array). I prepare to use the contracts in my second Query through Query Based Dropdown List, but it seems the Parameter don’t work like a array and the result is always " Error running query: Invalid query format. The query is not a valid JSON. "
As for timestamp, emmmm, I follow the guidance of the mannul, it says “When using a Date (or Date Range) parameter, wrap it with a $humanTime object: {{param}} becomes {"$humanTime": "{{param}} 00:00"}”
The document you cited is correct. But notice it says you only need to append 00:00 for Date or Date Range types. Not for DateTime types. As you do it today, the value will be invalid: 2021-05-01 21:17 00:00
No, I’ve tried every possible way…
Maybe it’s the bug of certain version? I’m using the redash image of 8.0.0.b32245, it seems a bit of out of date. But I can’t find the manual for the latest version…