Receiving "Error running query: Missing parameter value for:"

Hi All,

Currently trying to create date range, but receiving this error message below when trying to run the script

Error running query: Missing parameter value for: date_range.start, date_range.end

Here’s my code below

first_name AS “ First Name ”,
last_name AS “ Last Name ”,
email AS “ Email ID ”,
status AS “ Status ”,
status_reasons AS “ Closure Reasons ”,
status = ‘ closed ’
OR status = ‘ paused ’
AND users.status_updated_at date >= ’ {{ date_range.start }} ’
AND users.status_updated_at date <= ’ {{ date_range.end }} ’

The error is pretty clear: you haven’t entered any parameter values for your two parameter markers. The parameter value widget appears directly beneath the query editor.

Also, this probably won’t work until you remove the preceding and trailing spaces from around your parameter markers like this:

AND users.status_updated_at date >= ’{{ date_range.start }}’
AND users.status_updated_at date <= ’{{ date_range.end }}’