Redash v9 docker-compose.yml

Are there any docker-compose.yml sample for redash v9.0.0-beta.b42121 ?
I’m getting problems using the file for version 8.0.0.b32245

The scheduler container get stuck on “Registering birth”. I’m able to execute the queries manually, but the scheduler doesn’t work at all.


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Don’t know if this is applicable to your situation, but the release notes say there’s a few extra steps upgrading to v9:

Thanks @dncpax ! That solved the problem!

Hi i am using the redash helm chart that i modified to drop WORKER_COUNT and QUEUE env vars, but the scheduler is still stuck in “Registering birth” .
The version of redash is v10-beta

Any advice ?

Up , We need to use redash for our BI dashboards.

You might have better luck questioning the helm-chart devs directly in their github issues. Kubernetes is not a typical Redash deployment. The bulk of the community won’t have any solutions for you :confused:

Alright, thanks Jesse.