Unable to send invitation/password reset emails

Hello :wave:t2:

Redash is unable to send email to invite a new user or reset its password.
Email seems to be correctly configured as docker-compose run --rm server manage send_test_mail "bar@foo.com" is sending a test email.

In the logs of the redash server, when I’m trying to reset a password (with /forgot), I have the following error:

[2022-06-17 08:11:52,452][PID:12][ERROR][redash.handlers.authentication] Failed to verify invite token: XXxXxX0XXX, org=None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/redash/handlers/authentication.py", line 31, in render_token_login_page
    user_id = validate_token(token)
  File "/app/redash/authentication/account.py", line 41, in validate_token
    return serializer.loads(token, max_age=max_token_age)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/itsdangerous.py", line 643, in loads
    .unsign(s, max_age, return_timestamp=True)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/itsdangerous.py", line 436, in unsign
    raise sig_error
BadSignature: No '.' found in value

It has been working on the past and I do not remember changing the configuration.
I’m using a self-host version of Redash 8.0.0+b32245 (a16f551e), using Ubuntu 18.04.

Thank you for your help!

Same issue with Redash 10.1.0 (2589bef1)