Unarchive a query

There doesn’t currently seem to be a way to unarchive a query. Since this could be selected accidentally, it seems like a feature worth adding. Otherwise you have to copy and paste the query to a new redash query.

You can go to admin pages at <redash_url>/admin. You can find queries and dashboards and unarchived them. Powerful side of admin

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This does not work for me. Has the /admin site moved?

Interesting! I’m not aware of that admin page. But we are adding this feature to the API directly in V9 (releasing soon). If you’re on V8 or earlier you can manually update dashboards and queries in the metadata database.

The /admin page was removed in v7 (this PR) - it was mostly a helper UI for earlier Redash versions, so it didn’t make sense to keep it. For now, as @jesse suggested, you can achieve what you want by updating the metadata db manually.

I’m currently paying for the hosted service. Am I still able to update this or do I need to wait? I currently see Version 9.0.0-alpha (dev).

Hi @jjensen, there is an API for this. Please reach out to us through the in-app chat and we’ll take care of you.

Going forward you are welcome to contact us directly through redash itself. This forum is aimed at users of our open source product for whom paid support is not available :smiley:

Is it avaliable in redash/redash:9.0.0-beta.b42121 image, and if so, were I can found documentaion or code implementation for this feature?

UPD. I have just updated our stage Redash instance and it seems like we can unarchive query in both 8.0.0 and 9.0.0 version through passing is_archived=False option in POST req.

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for reference (when I forget this and find myself here again)
(python requests)
requests.post(url=f'{base}/api/queries/<q_id>', headers=headers, json ={'is_archived': False})


I can’t unarchive a query with redash v10 .