Vertical Table - Insert a image con hyperlink

Hi for all,
I have a question, is it possible to insert in a vertical table an image with an associated link in the column?
Are there any other methods?

What is a vertical table? Do you mean the Details visualization?

The details visualization doesn’t support pictures (put this would be pretty easy to add, I think).

Sorry… in a normal table. Let me rephrase the question .

is it possible to insert in a table an image with an associated link in the column?
Are there any other methods?

Yeah this definitely works. Just wrap your image URL with an HTML <img> tag. Or you can have your query return an image URL and then change the column type to Image in the visualization settings.

can you please give me deatils how to do it , it’s doesn’t work for me

Yep, here’s an example:

Here’s a sample query against postgres:

select '' logo,
'' link

Thank you so much.

Actually i want to insert a logo of the company in my dashborad , it’s possible with postges database ?

You can do that using a text box widget with markdown syntax as described here.

Thank you so much Jesse :slight_smile: