Why query error 404

I have 2 data sources in Bigquery (connected to Redash)

I always call some tables from B, and it sccesses.
Today, I find the same tables exist in data source A too, so I want to call them from A but it fail.
Why can’t I call them though they exist?

And also, I made some test dataset in A, but I can’t call them too. There is same error…
What conditions do I need to check and improve?

Error massage
Error running query: b’{\n “error”: {\n “code”: 404,\n “message”: “Not found: Dataset XXX-logs:analytics_16237366 was not found in location asia-northeast1”,\n “errors”: [\n {\n “message”: “Not found: Dataset XXX-logs:analytics_16237366 was not found in location asia-northeast1”,\n “domain”: “global”,\n “reason”: “notFound”\n }\n ],\n “status”: “NOT_FOUND”\n }\n}\n’

Did you configure a Processing Location in the Reash Data Source Settings for bigquery? The error says there’s no data in asia-northeast-1. Maybe the data you want is housed in another region?

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