Hello! Recently my colleague accidentally made a request to Redash and received such a table (unfortunately, there is no data under the spoiler). If image is static, gif here: Screen Recording 2019-11-22...

And now it’s a big deal for me: is it possible to hide the general parts of the data in Redash tables as a spoiler? Because it would be very useful in the work!

Hi @sergeymong! How did you create that table (with +/- buttons)? It’s not a standard Redash feature.

@levko I think it’s the children column name (see here) :grimacing:.

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@gabrieldutra created a GitHub issue, and here is a fix.

is it possible to hide the general parts of the data in Redash tables as a spoiler?

Currently no (that +/- icons were accidental bug). But I also think it may be useful feature - let’s discuss it.

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@sergeymong The bug fix is already merged to master. Also, I created a new thread to discuss a feature you requested: Table visualization: group rows

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