Hope all is well! Running into an error installing using the developer guide provided at (https://redash.io/help/open-source/dev-guide/setup). When installing on Ubuntu Server 20.04 I am getting the following error when executing ‘npm run watch’:
ERROR in ./client/app/lib/queryFormat.ts
Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘sql-formatter’ in ‘/var/app/redash/client/app/lib’
@ ./client/app/lib/queryFormat.ts 2:0-41 4:20-32
@ ./client/app/pages/queries/QuerySource.jsx
@ ./client/app/pages/index.js
@ ./client/app/config/index.js
@ ./client/app/index.js
@ multi ./client/app/index.js ./client/app/assets/less/main.less ./client/app/assets/less/ant.less
I have ensured that the module is installed:
#npm list
redash-client@9.0.0-beta /var/app/redash
├─┬ sql-formatter@2.3.3 (git+https://github.com/getredash/sql-formatter.git#b61a6dce3b451e38e87090b0675a43be1638e5b6)
When using the instructions provided in the guide, I was able to execute them as is with one exception. When executing ‘npm install’ I was initially receiving an error when installing puppeteer related to paths, this was corrected by executing ‘npm install puppeteer --unsafe-perm=true’ before the initial ‘npm install’. This was done on a clean build so I did not have any artifacts.
Technical details:
- Redash Version: 9.0.0-beta
- OS: Ubuntu Server 20.04
- How did you install Redash: https://redash.io/help/open-source/dev-guide/setup
- NPM: 6.14.8
- Node: v12.20.0
- Python: 3.8.5