Acquire parameter names in plotly


I’m working on a dashboard to display data with three parameters: var, metric_1, and metric_2.

This is my query:

headers : 
    content-type: application/json
data: '{"data": {"event": {"params": {"var": "{{var}}", "metric_1": "{{metric_1}}", "metric_2": "{{metric_2}}"}}, "context": 100}}'
path: result

Redash grabs the data and plots it very well via the following code:

console.log(x, ys)

color1 = 'rgb(31, 119, 180)';
color2 = 'rgb(0,0,0,)';

var trace1 = {
    x: x,
    y: ys['metric_1'],
    name: 'Metric 1',
    type: 'scatter',
    mode: 'lines+markers',
    hovermode: "closest",
    marker: {
	symbol: 0,
	color: color1,
	size: 1,
    opacity: 0.05,
	line: {
	    color: color1,
	    width: 6

var trace2 = {
    x: x,
    y: ys['metric_2'],
    name: 'Metric 2',
    yaxis: 'y2',
    type: 'line',
    mode: 'markers',
    hovermode: "closest",
    marker: {
	color: color2,
	symbol: 2,
	size: 0.2,
	line: {
	    color: color2,
	    width: 6

var data = [trace1, trace2];

var layout = {
    xaxis: {
	title: 'Date',
	type: 'date'
    yaxis: {
	title: 'Metric 1', // I want something like ys['metric_1']['name']
	titlefont: {color: color1},
	tickfont: {color: color1},
	side: 'left'
    yaxis2: {
	title: 'Metric 2', //I want something like ys['metric_2']['name']
	titlefont: {color: color2},
	tickfont: {color: color2},
	overlaying: 'y',
	side: 'right'
    showlegend: false

Plotly.newPlot(element, data, layout);

However, instead of “Metric 1” and “Metric 2” for y-axis titles, I’d like the actual metric (the name) I specified from the drop down on the queries page. Is it possible to access such information. If so, how?

Many thanks!

I think you can do this by modifying your query as follows:

headers : 
    content-type: application/json
data: '{"data": {"event": {"params": {"var": "{{var}}", "{{ metric_1 }}": "{{metric_1}}", "{{ metric_2}}": "{{metric_2}}"}}, "context": 100}}'
path: result

Hi jesse, thanks for the response. However, I can’t seem to get this to apply to the outputs.

I updated the query and selected from the dropdown menu.

Ideally, what I’d like is the axes to be updated with the values from the dropdown.
