I would love a feature where you can provide a list of parameters in redash e.g

WHERE city IN “{{paramter}}”

As of right now it doesn’t seem to work


I have been using a fun workaround :slight_smile: with Postgres arrays:

from paths
where id::varchar = any(string_to_array(replace(trim(’{{paths (enter comma separated path ids like 5,4,9)}}’), ’ ', ‘’), ‘,’))

The replace part is optional, in case you’re worried that people will enter comma space delimited values instead of comma delimited values.


Redash supports query based parameters.

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It does.


#RTFM :slight_smile:

I am already using the filters and parameters.
My questions specifically targeted the IN SQL-Keyword, which didn’t work
with the standard parameters.

The option does not show for me in the parameters drop down list.
I used the newest Amazon image about 2 weeks ago. How can I
enable this maybe manually?

Building from source should work. Not sure of the sha from which image is built.

@rohithmenon Thanks for the quick reply. That is unfortunately not an option, since it is a production server and I’d actually prefer it to upgrade via the built in function. Is there an ETA for a new build?

Not sure. You should ping the maintainer. You can cherrypick the change on top of the current deploy if you want. But its all up to you.

@rohithmenon Never heard of that option before. Can you elaborate?

Cherry picking will require rebuilding the frontend code…

The next release should be this month.

Perfect! Thanks @arikfr

We have our private fork of redash for unreleased features. If you are not comfortable with building from source, what I told is not an option.

+1 for parameter lists. One way I could see it being implemented is as follows:
New parameter type: text list
Text box appears for entry of the list - one value per line
Redash wraps each line in single quotes and adds a comma
Parameter can be used in SQL like so: WHERE id in( {{ id_list }} )

Similar implementation for number list except no quotes around the values when being inserted into the query. You could also implement as a single new parameter type “list” and add a checkbox for text vs number.

One workaround for this issue is using Jinja2’s loop.last syntax. The Jinja code would look something like this:

  {% for item in this_list %}
  {{ item }} {% if not loop.last %} , {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

This avoids the syntax error of a trailing comma without hacking through Python’s tuple representations.

Just to make sure I understand, are you saying this is a workaround to make it work under the current version of Redash? I wasn’t aware that you could write inline Jinja in a query. I just Googled “redash jinja” and didn’t come up with any results, so if that’s what you’re saying, it must be an undocumented feature?

Right, to my knowledge it’s not possible with stock redash. I was suggesting a technical solution to the problem. Sorry for the confusion.