Hi redashers and @arikfr.

It’s a bit difficult for me to find a roadmap. Trello is not that clear to me at least.

So I createdt his feature request for better dashboards. This includes configuring dashboards for several sizes of displays, that means better control of widgets sizes and grid positioning. More flexibility to resize widgets and place them.

Also some essential visualizations are missing like the dial or gauge.
And of course a dark theme…

I think these are not complex features that would add great value to redash. Nothing as complicated as drill-down :wink:

Just for example of something similar:


Thanks for the suggestions, @dncpax!

Have you checked the new, fluid dashboard widgets that can resize and drag and drop widgets?

I’m definitely considering adding a dark theme as it’d be a great addition.

Can’t comment on the other ideas yet, but I’m sure we’ll discuss them.

Hi @zsoltk. I haven’t installed v3.0 yet so if the fluid dashboards are there I haven’t seen yet. If it’s on v2 than I missed it…

I think it wasn’t part of 2.0, you can rearrange and resize widgets with much more freedom, see image (this has some elements for the upcoming release):

that’s really good news. I’ve been itching to upgrade to v3 for several of the improvements like query data sources, but haven’t gotten to it yet.

@dncpax we have many new improvements coming, very quickly, so it’ll really worth upgrading :slight_smile:

@zsoltk hi there again. Just upgraded to v3, but can’t see the new options to arrange widgets on dashboards. Maybe it’s only on hosted version?

Hey @dncpax — it seems like it’s going to be part of the 4.0 release in this case (I checked https://github.com/getredash/redash/releases and yeah, it’s not there yet).

ok, will wait. still got the query datasource!

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