Issue Summary

Is it possible to change assets (images, CSS, html) files on the Docker image? This would be the easiest way, if possible.

If not, I tried doing a raw build but it is unable to find the .env file. I get this error:

:~/redash$ bin/run ./ check_settings

sed: can’t read .env: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/ubuntu/redash/”, line 6, in
from redash.cli import manager
File “/home/ubuntu/redash/redash/cli/”, line 8, in
from redash.cli import users, groups, database, data_sources, organization
File “/home/ubuntu/redash/redash/cli/”, line 10, in
from redash import models
File “/home/ubuntu/redash/redash/models/”, line 33, in
from .base import db, gfk_type, Column, GFKBase, SearchBaseQuery
File “/home/ubuntu/redash/redash/models/”, line 35, in
make_searchable(options={‘regconfig’: ‘pg_catalog.simple’})
TypeError: make_searchable() takes at least 1 argument (1 given)

Technical details:

  • Redash Version: 7.0
  • Browser/OS: FF
  • How did you install Redash: Docker on one machine and Raw Build on another