Hello :slight_smile:
I was wondering what are the options to configure decimal/thousands separator. I’m currently seeing numbers formatted the US way and I would like to change it.
Is this inherited from the server locale? I didn’t find an environment variable and I couldn’t find any setting at the user level.

Any help is appreciated!

Thank you,

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I found it in the visualization screen under ’ Visualization editor’ - ‘Data labels’ .
From there a link was available to:


Thank you for sharing that. However, that only changes the formatting on the table view on the web - if you are using the api (or downloading in csv) to pass those data to another app, they still get the US decimal/thousands separators. From what I found, there is no way of achieving a complete effect on the formatting of a specific query.
They very inelegant way I used was to cast the numbers to text and replace the . to ,

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That certainly works :slight_smile:

The API isn’t a presentation layer. It assumes you will transform the data before displaying elsewhere.

Hello. I’m having the same issue than Marcode

I’ve been testing differents formats as on user guide: without success.

Is not a problem that only ocurrs in API. The base problem is that is imposibble specify the thoussand and decimal separator. In US, there are ‘,’ and ‘.’ but localy may be opposite. No matter how format I try, always a comma will be a thoussand separator. On Europe, the comma is the decimal separator. Is a locale setting, not a number format, and there aren’t any place to change it

Redash uses Numeral.js to format numbers. Numeral supports locales but I don’t know if we bubble that up through our interface. You can override it in the source, though.

Hmmm… I don’t like to override the source because the updates will be more dificult. I will wait at least until the v8 release

Smart thinking. This ought to be a feature request as it has drawn some interest and should be straightforward to implement. It would make a good starter PR for someone in the community.

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Is the conclusion here that there is no configuration in Redash itself to change the default visualization of numbers in table results of queries? I have similar issues to @marcode, many fields with numbers where the various output formats (visualizations, exports, etc) adding commas to numbers causes issues – user IDs for instance – and don’t want to cast as text for a variety of reasons.

Affirmative. I’ve run into the same issues around user ID’s. Resolved it by modifying the number format in my table visualizations. It’s cumbersome but the only work around I know at the moment (short of scripting with the API).

Hi! Thanks for a great system. I am working with some high priced enterprise systems, but Redash is definitely competitive.
Not being able to use space as thousands separator and comma as decimal separator is a pretty big dealbreaker for me as I work with a Norwegian company. I guess this is the same for a lot of European companies.

1,200.50 vs 1 200,50 is quite different if you are used to one of the formats.

Is there anything planned on this feature? Can we hope to see it in redash soon?


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Same issue here, it’s mpossible with the current formatter to get 1.000,00 anywhere. We couldn’t get it to work on the data labels of graphs either. It is somehow implied that you managed to do it in redash but not on the api and embeds? How did you do it? It doesn’t seem to work for us.

Our clients are european and struggle with comma as a thousands separator so this is an issue. Any news on the roadmap?