Currently the table grid visualisation defaults to 10 and has an upper limit bound of 25.

When working with larger datasets this is particularly painful. Paging through even a few hundred rows looking for an anomaly in data is not a fun time.

We suggest making this configurable via two variables similar to what has been implemented by the mighty Japanese Redash Meetup.

The query pull request is here: Add page size settings by kyoshidajp · Pull Request #2993 · getredash/redash · GitHub
I would expect that to be just the same but focusing on the table visualisation.

A similar request has had many many views, so I suspect this frustration is common.

Hi :wave:

What version of Redash are you using?

Recent versions have additional options there:


Second - Is it configurable?
Third - We are just getting v6.0 up on docker. Thats how we found the query pages upgrade. As we wanted to see what config was available.
Fourth - THANK YOU