There is something off with the formatting of my data coming from a mysql database. The formatting is perfect I pull it in MySQL Workbench, but not in the Redash Query Editor. Please assist.

SQL Code:

year(created_at) as registr_year,
month(created_at) as registr_month,
yearweek(created_at) as registr_week,
count(*) user_count
from users
where created_at >= '2018-01-01'
and created_at < '2018-07-01'
group by week(created_at),month(created_at), year(created_at)
order by year(created_at) asc, month(created_at) asc, yearweek(created_at) asc;


And lastly, this image:

I updated the SQL-code, and now it works:

DATE_FORMAT(created_at, "%Y") as registr_year,
DATE_FORMAT(created_at, "%M") as registr_month,
DATE_FORMAT(created_at, "%u") as registr_week,
count(*) user_count
from users
where created_at >= '2018-01-01'
and created_at < '2019-01-01'
and loudly = 1
group by week(created_at), month(created_at), year(created_at)
order by year(created_at) desc, month(created_at) desc, week(created_at) desc;

Also select the “Category” on your x-axis:

I’m curious, why are you splitting the timestamp into multiple columns?