Hi all
I have successfully linked my Google Sheet with a query in Redash which shows NPS scores (columns are: scores, user email, submitted at, etc.). I am now using “Query Results” as my data source to pull from my Google Sheets query.
My hope is to GROUP BY month. Normally, I would use a date function to separate the month, e.g. SELECT date_trunc(“month”, table.column) AS month [and then use] GROUP BY month. However, date functions seem to be unavailable when using “Query Results” as your data source to pull from a “Google Sheets” data source. My date column is formatted as such:
Submitted At
2018-04-17 12:44
2018-04-17 12:27
2018-04-17 12:20
2018-04-17 12:18
In my case, does anyone have any workarounds within Redash to GROUP BY month when it’s nested in a timestamp? I am trying to avoid having to add an additional column to truncate the date within the Google Sheet. We use a Postgres database. Thanks!