I’ve submitted a PR that sends out a periodic e-mail to users who’s scheduled queries are failing and they have no indication of it. You can read the specifics in the issue, but the gist of it is - these reports are sent at most once an hour, and for each error, they show the amount of times it happened since the last report. If an error fails too much (say, 100 times), the failure is no longer reported. An indication that reports are about to stop is given prior to that.
At first, I thought this should be a text-only e-mail, but following @ranbena’s comment and looking at other failure reports, for example, Sentry’s, I get a feeling we should make our reports better than this piece of :
It could happen for so many reasons (from timeouts to broken data source connectivity)
This would require an endpoint for muting such thread, alongside with matching state - and since this will automatically happen once reaching the threshold, I’m not sure it’s worth the effort.
I’m working up an addition to the documentation about this. I’m curious, though, will we have an in-app notification about failed queries? Or does it only go out through email?
Another thing about the logo: some email clients strip the background color, so the logo appears with the background color on a white email. Can it have transparent color?