Well, I find it very difficult to install Redash locally on my machine, without using the docker.

One hour the installation step by step works and another hour does not.

I wonder if there is a recommended installation standard, or if it doesn’t matter !?

There’s not much information for us to help you.

  1. What OS do you run?
  2. What have you tried so far?
  3. You say it works sometimes and sometimes not: what do you mean by this?
  4. Is this for development or production?

1 - Ubuntu
2 - I followed this manual: https://redash.io/help/open-source/dev-guide/setup
3 - I managed to install following the link above, but in another attempt with the same step by step it didn’t work. (In yours that is very vague)
4 - Development.

Can you elaborate? What do you mean “it did’t work”? What didn’t work? Did you receive error(s)? How do you know it worked in the first place? At what step of the way did things fail?

Hello dietdrpepper. Before I tell you about what I did and about my problems, I would like to apologize for the amount of doubt I have been having and at the same time try to thank you for your attention.

About my problems, I managed to solve them all and created a personal manual for when I need it again.

One of my problems was with the version of Babel that needs to be above 7.0, some Python dependencies needed for psycopg2, among others …

At the moment, I have one more question, but I think it is better to end this topic and create another one, because it is another matter.

Thank you one more time!

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