def configuration_schema(cls):
    return {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "user": {
                "type": "string",
            "password": {
                "type": "string",
            "host": {
                "type": "string",
                "default": "",
            "port": {
                "type": "number",
                "default": 5432,                },
            "dbname": {
                "type": "string",

            "sslmode": {
               "type": "string",
               "default": "prefer"
        "order": ['host', 'port', 'user', 'password'],
        "required": ["dbname"],
        "secret": ["password"]

Does this parameter configuration have api description? How are they used? Thank you

That’s not a parameter. It’s a data source configuration. Those fields are displayed when configuring a data source connection. You can see how they are used in the query runner definition from which you pulled this code snippet.