
I have a dataset that updates on a daily basis. I need to be able to filter the data by date range. However the date parameters require a preset date range that doesn’t seem like it will update with the data. If I don’t update the date range every day for each query eventually may data will be out of the pre set data range on the query parameters. Is there a way to have that static date range update along with the sql table that is being updated?


Which version of Redash do you have? Quick date parameters were added in V8: https://redash.io/help/user-guide/querying/query-parameters#Quick-Date-and-Date-Range-Options


We are using version: 8.0.0+b32245 (a16f551e). Is there a way to get the date range to update with the rolling window of data?


yeah just use a dynamic date range. I posted the documentation link

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