
When i click on ElasticSearch as source it has fields like

Basic Auth Password
Basic Auth User
Base URL

Could you help me where these details available at AWS console? Is Base URL the endpoint?
Also, what access policy i have to set at ElasticSearch to query from Redash?



Any idea on how to get these config values?

The Base URL is the endpoint. As for the access policy - you will probably need to allow access based on the IP address of the Redash host. There might be other options, you should refer to AWS ElasticSearch documentation.

Thanks. This worked with IP address.

@arikfr Could you share sample configuration for ES data source?
I followed your steps and still couldn’t connect to it.

connect elasticsearch to redash


I tried to connect elasticsearch to redash but i am getting fiels like this,

Basic Auth Password
Basic Auth User
Base URL

could you help me with sample connections
