Issue Summary

I have Redash setup in an EC2 instance using ami-2d3c0a56 for us-east-1. I have setup email with Amazon SES by generating SMTP credentials from SES console (not same as AWS credentials). The test email using bin/run ./ send_test_mail works fine. But when I go to Redash to create a new alert, I get a message that says “It looks like your mail server isn’t configured. Make sure to configure it for the alert emails to work”.

Technical details:

  • Redash Version: 4.0.0-beta+b3690 and 3.0.0
  • Browser/OS: chrome / Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
  • How did you install Redash: ami-2d3c0a56 for us-east-1 on EC2, ran, used docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml run --rm server create_db, docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml up

.env settings:

export REDASH_REDIS_URL=“redis://localhost:6379/0”
export REDASH_DATABASE_URL=“postgresql:///redash”
export REDASH_COOKIE_SECRET=“abcdefg”
export REDASH_MAIL_PORT=“587”
export REDASH_MAIL_USE_TLS=“true”
export REDASH_MAIL_USERNAME=“abcdefg”
export REDASH_MAIL_PASSWORD="************"
export REDASH_HOST="ec2-

I did “sudo supervisorctl restart all” after setting up .env
Unable to debug the issue anymore. Can someone shed light on why this could be happening?


bump! Any help on this?

If you’re using Docker to deploy Redash, then supervisorctl is not used to manage the processes. You need to restart the Docker containers.

I tried it but did not work, when I added the environment variables to docker-compose.production.yml file, the error that read "It looks like your mail server isn’t configured. Make sure to configure it for the alert emails to work” went away. I setup an alert but I did not receive any alert emails. Now a new problem I face is WORKER TIME OUT errors in terminal at docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml up and my EC2 Redash instance ending up in 504 Gateway Timeout

you can start the server with shell;in the shell,you can add source .env;then it will work.