I am trying to establish connectivity between MSSQL Server read replica with Redash but getting connection error and it requires to set the property ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly.
See the snapshot:
I’m not super familiar with MSSQL. But here’s the code that controls the connection string that’s used. I presume you can introduce further parameters there.
These changes are not reflected on the UI side which I assumed, It would.
Do, I need to recreate the Kubernetes pod with these changes or rerun the python files?
I don’t use k8s. But normally I would need to restart the containers for these changes to take effect.
FYI: you’ll only need one of those files. Probably mssql_odbc.py. The non-ODBC version is being deprecated since the ODBC version is faster / better / more compatible.
Tried this way too, as given in the documentation for ODBC connection :
try 1. connection_string_fmt = "DRIVER={{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}};PORT={};SERVER={};DATABASE={};UID={};PWD={};applicationintent=readonly"
try 2. connection_string_fmt = "DRIVER={{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}};PORT={};SERVER={};DATABASE={};UID={};PWD={};ApplicationIntent=readonly"
But no luck, got the same error as before.
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