Help me to solve my problem.
I used the open source redash and I want to read a .json file and .log file. I was followed the JSO and URL’s API, but when I execute with url: I get error message, that is “Error running query: ssl_wrap_socket_with_ocsp() got an unexpected keyword argument 'key_password”. I dont understand to solve this problem.
For the first time I was following step in dev-guide and i’m just follow to Docker Based Developer Installation Guide and follow JSON and API url’s. Please let me know to solve my problem. Thank you.

I’m following the same guide and the example shows using https instead of http. Suggest trying instead.

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Do you also use data sources of type JSON? And do you have any advice for me how to read the .log file with redash? Does redash support read the .log file?

Log files are not supported.

have any idea for create live log with redash?

Sure. You’ll need a proxy in front of your logs that exposes either a JSON endpoint or a SQL-ish database Redash can connect to.