Hi All,

We would like to be able to have our team develop a Redash dashboard, however they need to do it with a development AWS account. Then once the dashboard queries are ready, we’d like to deploy those to a production account. However most of the development team doesn’t have access to the production account (for good and obvious reasons).

Is there a way to export the dash board and queries from the development system to the production system? Maybe via a database export or dump?

Has anyone created a flow or process that might support this work flow?

Technical details:

  • Redash Version: 4
  • How did you install Redash: AWS AMI and then update script

You can use the API to do this. It should be relatively easy to create a dashboard from scratch, you just need to recursively walkthrough the widgets -> visualization -> query. The tricky part is syncing future changes. You can maintain state of object IDs on each “side”, but still some logic is needed to know when and what to sync.

Depends on the reasons for separating dev and prod, another option might be to have a single Redash instance that connects to both. You can then easily migrate queries between data sources (where each ENV will have its own data source).

Great thank you.

I found these to places to be the best starting places:

How did it go?

I am trying to do exactly this and I am currently struggling with how to get the widgets using the api. The api seems to only include post methods for widgets.