Our query list got cluttered very quickly and every group wants to sort and organize their queries.
We wish for the ability to place the query in a folder / subfolder while creating it ( like in google docs --> drive style ) and to explore existing queries with a GUI like any folder icon view, that by clicking on a folder will show the queries inside of it.


We have some news on this soon. Stay tuned :sunglasses:


Awesome! :heart_eyes:

We need the same also.

@arikfr, hey any updates?
:pray: hoping for good news :upside_down_face:

this feature will be super helpful, waiting for your update!

You should subscribe to the newsletter, but anyway checkout this pull request: https://github.com/getredash/redash/pull/2573

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Hi @arikfr, Any news on folders for queries though?

Tags serve the same purpuse as folders, yet they are more flexible.

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Tried out Discovery, looks really nice!
truly tags are very smart approach :sunny: