Plotly recently have added Funnel chart as new chart type. Here is what it looks like.

  • pros
    ** Multiple series with ‘Group’
    ** Toggle series with legend click
    ** Redash color scheme
    ** PNG screenshot available
    ** Hover and Data Labels available

  • cons
    ** No table to the right hand side to show percentages

Any opinion from Funnel Chart users?


I’m not sure if the benefits worth the increased dependency on Plotly. But definitely will be interesting from other users.

How about other types? Anything worth bringing in?






I’ve actually been looking for something very similar to this. The category grouping you have especially. For example users can in one of our workflows can signup by “email” or “sso”. Its the same step but having the category would really help understand the total.

Mind my asking how you created such a funnel within redash?