Per your GH template, I’m opening this “feature request” here, but it is mostly going to be links to GH prior art.

note: links removed because new user posts can only contain 2 links
It looks to me like the PR will never be merged. It is 18 months old, and in that time Helm launched Helm Hub . Helm maintainers now recommend they be hosted elsewhere and submitted to Helm Hub.

If I am correct then the official redash helm chart needs a home. Would you like to host it under the getredash org? It looks like you would, given the prior art.


ed. note: sorry to repeat this, but I couldn’t submit links in the first post (new users can only include 2 links)

It looks to me like the PR will never be merged. It is 18 months old, and in that time they launched Helm Hub. Helm maintainers now recommend they be hosted elsewhere and submitted to Helm’s chart Hub

I actually saw your comment on GitHub, just didn’t have the time to follow up.

We probably would. Just need time to review the Helm Chart to make sure it’s something we want to put our name behind.

Thanks for bringing this to attention.

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Consider updating the maintenance page, when running via docker-compose the backup command I used was:

docker exec -u postgres redash_postgres_1 pg_dump > redash-backup.sql

Of course this might change under the helm chart. But most of the “ongoing maintenance” commands need to be updated for the docker era. Maybe this page is moved to “Legacy Maintenance” page?

Ed. note: Mentioned here instead of it’s own issue or thread because it will likely depend on helm vs docker-compose being recommended replacement for tarball for production.

Because Redash has dependencies it looks like we might need different charts for Helm v2 (current) and Helm v3 (beta1 released recently).

I’ve opened a repo under the getredash org on GitHub to host the Helm Chart. I’ve made @yzorg @grugnog maintainers of this repo (you will need to accept the invite here).

I didn’t have the chance to review the chart yet, but will get to it eventually.


Unless it’s possible to run the helm on a single instance without much hassle, I guess we will keep up with docker-compose?

We created a helm chart, mainly based on the work done by @grugnog. We will happily contribute back the work in the new repo.