Hello, I’m using dashboard-level filters (the filter options appear at the top of the dashboard and affect all of the charts on the page). How do I set their default value on the dashboard? They seem to be set somewhere and for the life of me I can’t find where. For instance, one of them is “end date” and it’s set to 6/30/2018; I’d like to change it to the latest date in the dataset (or at least one in the future if that’s not possible).
Hi @rebs, defaults are stored with the queries, not with the dashboards. You can modify the default by changing the default on the query screen.
From our docs:
Default Value is what Redash will use if no other value is specified. To change this from the query screen, execute the query with your desired parameter value and click the Save button.
If your dashboard maps multiple parameters linked together across different queries, then the default for the first query you mapped is used.
I wish this were more obvious.
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