I just added a new datasource, and I’d like to make it the default.

How do I do that?

Today we do not have a setting for “default data source”. It is set by the order retrieved by the database, which uses sequential numbers.

A way to accomplish your need may be create a group, add the users and then add only the data source you want.
To see the data source as the first one, the users which live on this group should be only in this group with this data source.

As @wesleybatista mentioned, data sources are sorted by their id. So the first added data source will be the “default”. But that’s only relevant for first use. The next time you open the query editor it will remember the last data source you used (per browser).

Good to know @arikfr! Now we save it on localStorage.
It was annoying change the data source everytime we write a query.
We just upgraded to the latest version and everybody is enjoying the new features :grinning:

Hmm… what’s weird though is this is the first data source I’ve added. So the default is currently the Redash metadata instance.

This is on 0.11, and I don’t think it was this way back in 0.10… the Redash metadata postgres instance didn’t even show up there.

Did I miss a PR somewhere that made the metadata instance visible?

Did I miss a PR somewhere that made the metadata instance visible?