I’ve set up oracle search now. But I don’t know how to filter search?
select * from t_table1 where companyid=? like this sql, one user can only search his own companyid, how to filter the companyid?
He can also select from begin time 2018-02-01 to end time 2018-02-02 to search. How to make it?

You should read the Query Parameters documentation. Namely the important notice at the bottom.

It’s OK now. But the embed url is not work for the filter, the filter box is ming. How to make it?

It also has a bug when I have ‘=’ in the search box, it can’t find search anything.

You might want to actually read the link I sent you, along with the important notice at the bottom.

Use triple quotes, i.e. {{{param}}} instead of {{param}} to aviod HTML escaping of values like =.

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