Hi All,

I am trying to do custom charts with plotly. The reason behind integrating the plotly is to take advantage of horizontal bar and line charts, dynamically color single bar based on conditions.

How does i get the 2nd y axis assigned, please advise me.

I am going to have PipelineName as X-axis and Process Time and Total Number of Process as Y axis

indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
var trace1 = {
 x: x,
 **y: ys,**
 mode: bar,
 marker: {
  color: 'rgba(50,171,96,0.6)',
 line: {
  color: 'rgba(50,171,96,1.0)',
  width: 1

var trace2 = {
 x: x,
 **y: ys,**
 mode: 'lines+markers',
 line: {shape: 'spline'},

var data = [trace1,trace2];

I am trying to do something like the below one https://plotly.com/javascript/horizontal-bar-charts/#bar-chart-with-line-plot

Vijayaraghavan Krishnan

I can’t help with your custom plotly code. But the team just merged a horizontal bar charts PR so you won’t need custom code for these anymore :open_hands:

Thanks. Horizontal Chart looks good. My question is very limited how to refer the second value in the y axis.

Suppose for example in the Y Column if we added 3 columns, how to refer or add 2nd column to the plotly Y axis.

Vijayaraghavan Krishnan