Issue Summary

How to increase the limits(50) of the queries In Progress?

My server hardware resources are very abundant, and I have thousands of queries to execute every day,but redash can handle no more than 50 queries in parallel. All query tasks will stay in queue not be executed until it’s turn if the queue of In Progress and Waiting are full.

How to increase the number of queries processed by redash in parallel to maximize use the hardware resources of the server ?

Thanks a lot!

Technical details:

  • Redash Version: 4.0.0+b3948
  • Browser/OS: ubuntu/chrome
  • How did you install Redash: without docker

You can increase Celery’s concurrency by changing the --concurrency (or -c) value. Probably by modifying your supervisord.conf. In more recent versions of Redash, modifying this is easier using an environment variable.