I am using self hosting redash(ver 1.0.3).
I want to migrate data to the official redash service(Pro Plan).
Is there an easy way to migrate queries?
Manual work is hard…
Please let me know if there is a good way.
Thank you!
That’s a significant upgrade (from v1 to v7)
The team is happy to help with migrations to our hosted platform. To get started:
1.Login to your account on app.redash.io/<your_org>
(or create one)
2. Click the question mark on the upper right to send us a message
As @jesse mentioned, the team is always happy to assist with migrations. The way it usually works is using this script: https://gist.github.com/arikfr/e1c01f6c04d8348da52f33393b5bf65d. Depending on the Redash version you export from, sometimes it requires changes.
This script will export users, queries, visualizations and dashboards.
Super! Did you need to do any changes to the script?
Yes, a little.
method does not work well.
So I changed like this.
ps. python version is 3.7
Hi @arikfr
I just saw this script. Can you please give some more details how to use that to make sure that it works? As I explained here, I stuck in the migration process from Bitnami Redash instance to the new docker based server.
I think the image fo import_users isn’t here? mind attaching?